If you would like to join us and work together for the good of Yolo County taxpayers, please indicate the type of membership you desire and email us with your wishes. We will get back to you right away.
Membership Level
$25 Individual Membership
$50 Family Membership
$75 Professional Membership
$150 Small Farm/Business Membership
$500 Large Farm/Business Membership
$750 Corporate Membership
Email us at: yolocountytaxpayers@gmail.com or find us at www.yolocountytaxpayers.com and on Facebook
And when you contact us remember to give us:
Your Name,
Your Address,
Indlucing City and Zip,
Home Ph.,
and E-Mail.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Yolo County Taxpayers Association
P.O. Box 1411
Woodland, CA 95776
Phone: 530-309-8065
E-mail: yolocountytaxpayers@gmail.com
Have Questions or Suggestions?